HS-115: VEX Weekend Bootcamp
Students will get familiar with VEX and reduce the barrier of entry into algorithmic thinking - whether you are a visual or a linguistic thinker. Learn to break down problems into bite-sized algorithms and chain them
1. Introduction
2. What is VEX?
3. Basic Data Types
4. What is a Dictionary?
5. Struct and BSDF Data Types
6. Checking Data Types with Attribute Create
7. Q&A: Are dictionaries okay with using different data types together?
8. VEX as a Multithreaded Language
9. Geometry Spreadsheet and Position Vector
10. Declaring Data Types, Attributes vs Variables
11. Bake Attribute into Geometry
12. Attribute View
13. Type Casting
14. Accessing Components
1. = vs ==
2. What is a Function
3. Quick Tip if Stuck on a Function
4. Creating a Function
5. Function Casting
6. Creating a Wave with VEX
7. Interpolation Functions
8. Create a Channel Ramp
9. Conditionals
10. Loops
1. Creating a Point with Vex
2. Combining Cos and Sin to Form a Circle
3. Applying a For-Loop to Generate a Circle
4. Alternate Loops for Creating a Circle
5. Creating the Base of a Spiral
6. Creating a Circle over Detail vs. Points
7. Giving Height to the Spiral
8. Using a Ramp to Adjust the Radius of a Spiral
1. Q&A: Should We Put Everything Inside a Radians Function?
2. Q&A: Do VOPs Use Degrees ?
1. Phyllotaxy Explanation
2. Creating a Circle with Circumference and addpoint Function (addpoint)
3. Adding Points Based on Current Iteration with setpointattrib Function (setpointattrib)
4. Problem: How to Create a Spiral in XZ Axis Using the Golden Angle?
5. Solution: Increasing the Angle Every Iteration
6. Problem: How to Set the Maximum Radius of the Geometry?
7. Solution: Normalizing the Scale Multiplier
8. Introducing Basic Instancing
9. Problem: How to Modify the Point Normals?
10. Solution: Control the Normals with a Point Attribute
11. Solution: Controlling the Scale of Instances with the pscale Attribute
12. Problem: How to Increase pscale Attribute Based on the Distance from a Reference Point?
13. Solution: Fixing pscale with length Function (length)
14. Problem: How to Flip the length Function's Direction?
15. Solution: Fixing length Function with distance Function (distance)
16. Solution: Controlling the Scale with a Ramp Parameter (chramp)
17. A Quick Review on Normalization
18. Introducing rand Function (rand)
19. Randomizing pscale per Point Number with rand Function (rand)
20. Creating Variations by Adding a Float Parameter for a Custom Seed (chf)
21. Introducing Global Variables Frame and Time
22. Problem: How to Add a Growth Animation?
23. Solution- Increasing Overall pscale in Three Seconds with fit Function and clamp Function (fit, clamp)
24. Solution- Increasing pscale Based on Distance to the Center with distance Function (distance)
“Holy cow this is all really cool. I started this last night and I’m just loving it.”
Timothy Bladel