HS-114: From C4D to Houdini
You’ll come away from this class being able to confidently manage and manipulate geometry in Houdini. You’ll know the Houdini equivalent of C4D’s deformers and be able to create procedural motion graphics setups.
1. Welcome
2. Starting Houdini
3. Side by Side with C4D
4. Editing Objects
5. Geo vs. Objects
1. On the Surface of Geos (SOPs)
2. Manipulating Geometry
3. Node Flags
4. Making Selections
5. Group Selections By Geometry Types
6. First Look at Attributes
7. Using the Geometry Spreadsheet
8. Polyextrude Node
9. Randomizing Attributes with Noise
1. Custom Attributes Driven By Noise
1. Introduction
2. Set Group With Attribute
3. Attribute Transfer & Attribute Create
4. Polyextrude
5. Procedural Group Based on Attributes
6. Transform
7. Blend
8. Looking at VOPs & VEX
9. Blending with VOPs
10. Trick with Attribute Create
1. Note on Mask Using Attributes