HS-216: Alien Life Forms (Awaken)
Students will leave this class with a range of new techniques for designing, modeling, and rendering alien life forms in a realistic manner.
1. Introduction
1. Project Overview
2. Base Geo
3. Creating the Tube Geo
4. Relax Node
5. Converting Geo to VDB and Remeshing
6. Setting up the Vellum Simulation
7. Adjusting the Vellum Simulation
8. Using the Point Deform SOP
9. Using Deltamush
10. Q&A: Adjusting the Tube Orientation
11. Adjusting the Tube Orientation
12. Creating a Pscale Attribute
13. Creating Geo Inside the Tubes
14. Merging it all Together
1. Base Geo Overview
2. Creating Tubes
3. Remesh Grid SOP
4. VDB Work Flow
5. Overview of Creating Control Object
6. Mask from Geometry
7. VOP to Create the Reacting Effect
8. Q&A: Direction of the Spheres
9. Example Using Displacement Along Normals
10. Displacing the Geo
11. Bringing it all together
12. Other Examples
1. Overview
2. Creating the Plant Geo
3. Pop Simulation
4. Tweaking the Sim
5. Visualizing the Sim
6. Using Curve U Attribute Part 1
7. Using Curve U Attribute Part 2
8. Using the Age Attribute to Drive Growth
9. Final Touches
1. Project Overview
2. Adding Noise to Base Geo
3. Adding Noise to Base Geo - Example 2
4. Displacement
5. Pop Sim
6. Vellum Sim
7. Bringing it all together