HS-217: Noise
At the end of this course, you should have a better understanding of how to create more visually interesting noises in VOPs and VEX.
1. Introduction
2. About Me
3. Utility Tools
4. Noise Explained
5. Inspirational Learning
6. 3rd Party Noise
7. VEX Learning
8. Houdini Docs
9. Project File Overview
10. Available VOP Noises
1. Overview (Mat Context)
2. Remove Halo Effect
3. Workflow
4. Rest Position
5. Visualizing Position in Color
6. Fit Range
7. Visualizing Noise Output
1. VOPS General Build
2. General VOP Noise Workflow Overview
3. General VOP Noise Setup
4. Adds & Promote Parameters Workflow
5. Curl & Anti-alias Noise Examples
2. Displace Along Normal Node
3. Mix Node
4. Q&A: Is the mix node bias a mask?
5. Displace Along Normal Nodes
6. Add, Subtract, Multiply
7. Q&A: Can you explain distance again?
8. Promo Image Geo
1. Material: Overview and Static Geo
2. Material: Context Part 1
3. Material: Context Part 2
4. Q&A: When do you add a position to multiply?
5. Volumes Part 1
6. Volumes Part 2
7. Volumes Part 3
8. Volumes: Instance Point Light
“Love your teaching style. It really helps you process the information from the base level and then expand out from that. Will try and create my own noise experiments before the next class.”
“This class is like having a noise dictionary. So much to go over. Did a quick pass today to warm up. So much value here, it is a bar raiser for sure. I don’t know if I’ve ever seen anything quite like it. I hadn’t really thought about how much of Houdini was gonna be impacted by noise but in retrospect it makes complete sense.”
“Session 2 very interesting and well done. A lot to learn and a lot to learn ... beautiful.”
“Sorry, I could make it until the end of the class to say "thank you" (in person) but I loved the class. I really appreciate how informative, thorough and buttoned up it was. Breaking down concepts and approaches that were way over my head but made me feel that they are approachable. Thanks again!”