HS-219: Problem-Space
Learning about working in problem-space and posing otherwise difficult or complex problems into a more intuitive geometric space, making it easier to visualize, solve, and control.
HS-217: Noise
At the end of this course, you should have a better understanding of how to create more visually interesting noises in VOPs and VEX.
HS-216: Alien Life Forms (Awaken)
Students will leave this class with a range of new techniques for designing, modeling, and rendering alien life forms in a realistic manner.
HS-114: From C4D to Houdini
You’ll come away from this class being able to confidently manage and manipulate geometry in Houdini. You’ll know the Houdini equivalent of C4D’s deformers and be able to create procedural motion graphics setups.
HS-116: Working with Scientific Datasets in Houdini
Students will leave with a fundamental understanding of how to incorporate real scientific data into their Houdini scenes, and with Python starter code for accomplishing a few common data transformation tasks.
HS-211: Surface Advection
Students should leave with a better understanding of advection techniques, generating and extracting point attribute data, influencing flow directions, volume and particle simulating, as well as Redshift3D proxy export and instancing.