HS-117: Natural Morphologies (Heightfields)
Students will leave this class with a fundamental and broad understanding of how they can generate realistic landscapes and terrains and have a deeper understanding of erosion and how it is simulated inside Heightfields.
HS-224: Liquid SOPs
Students should leave this class with a new perspective on how to approach building liquid FX in more art directable ways, and discover new approaches in breaking down FX tasks into smaller manageable chunks.
HS-216: Alien Life Forms (Awaken)
Students will leave this class with a range of new techniques for designing, modeling, and rendering alien life forms in a realistic manner.
HS-201: Procedural Geometry
Students that are new to Houdini will leave with more confidence as well as a deeper understanding of attributes and geometry creation tools and how they are used to create a procedural system.
HS-203: Character Design and Modeling
Students will leave the class with a range of new techniques for designing and creating variations of original characters in Houdini and learning to use the program to quickly create new designs.
HS-109: Intro to Vellum
Students will leave the class with a solid understanding of the vellum solver and how to implement it in a practical context.